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"Wandering Ryo" overview

The "Wandering Ryo" is a feminization kind of a game about a guy who starts to perform and gets an opportunity to explore his pote...

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Wandering Ryo 1.6.0 is now available

The game was updated to 1.6.0.

Th main changes are:

  • Two new endings

  • Export/import of the  game state to/from file
  • A new 'information discovery' type of mini-game (seen in three new tasks)

  • Various user experience improvements

The full change log:

  • New features and content:
    • Two new endings (with respective rewards) were added.
    • Export/import functionality was added. It is now possible to save the game state to a file as well as load it from a file.
    • A new 'information discovery' type of mini-game was added. The goal is to collect relevant pieces of information and avoid irrelevant ones.
    • User experience was improved:
      • Several pop-up windows now appear more smoothly.
      • Two new settings were added to the 'User Experience' section, which allow making tooltips smaller. The smaller tooltips should be generally more usable and convenient in both desktop and mobile browsers.
        • 'Compact wardrobe tooltip' allows replacing the items in the tooltip with the available colors. In addition, the item name is hidden from the tooltip during the performance when this option is enabled.
        • 'Compact session actions tooltip' allows replacing a longer description of the action effect with a shorter plain list.
      • Wardrobe and actions tooltips will now appear with a slight delay to make it possible to move the cursor across icons without triggering the unwanted tooltip.
    • The viewers will now occasionally give short comments on Ryoichi's performance.
  • Other:
    • Updates to endings were made.
      • Ending icons were moved to the ladder and placed against the level range in which they are unlocked.
      • The after-ending wording was rephrased to imply dreaming. The icons were updated. The time-lapse effect was replaced with a simpler one.
      • The game does not anymore recommend completing the second ending of the line after completing the first one.
      • Endings do not anymore require other endings of the same line to be completed.
      • Ending rewards are now listed in the tooltip after the ending is explored.
      • Endings can be reviewed after exploration. Endings that were already explored before this update will have one of the predefined Ryoichi images shown.
      • Clicking on Ryoichi's image on the ending screen now takes off the clothes (if there are any).
    • Related tasks are now grouped on the Tasks tab.
    • Task complete notifications were added.
    • Look/Impression change notifications were added.
    • Minor dialogue updates were made.
    • Total stats seen in the Game Stats screen will not reset now when the game state is reset.
  • Bug fixes:
    • A bug with a stuck scroll position during the tab switch was fixed.
  • Side effects:
    • New tasks may be marked as completed depending on the game progress.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Wandering Ryo 1.5.0 is now available

The game was updated to 1.5.0.

It does not contain much new content or major changes but rather adds several features requested by the players.

The main changes are:

  • A basic piercing was added. I am not too happy with the result, as I did not find a way to make these small elements look nice.

  • The hair now grows as time passes, and it is now possible to cut, start and stop shaving it.

  • A help screen was added for the date game. Hopefully, it will make it a bit less frustrating for those who don't like it :)

The full 1.5.0 changlog:

  • New features and content:
    • Hair growth was added.
      • Hair grows as time passes.
      • It is now possible to stop shaving the head.
      • It is now possible to cut and shave the hair.
      • Two new items were added that unlock hair styling.
      • New hair spray items for hair coloring were added.
    • New activities for repetitive hair shaving were added.
    • Piercing was added for ears, eyebrows, nose, lips and (partially) nipples.
      • Piercing becomes available for purchase early in the game.
      • Some rooms provide bonuses for having certain types of piercing.
    • A help screen was added for the dating game. It will automatically show up when the player starts the date for the first time, and can also be toggled anytime during the date.
  • Bug fixes:
    • Fixed the bug when the library sometimes crashed because of the custom items.
    • The ending tooltip will not show requirements if it was already explored.
    • Several typos were fixed.
    • A bug with the black mask being put automatically on when needed was fixed.
  • Other:
    • Some endings will now require Ryoichi to have natural hair (and not wear wigs).
    • 'Cosplay Stock - Wigs' shop was renamed to 'Cosplay Stock - Hair' to better reflect its goods.
    • Hairstyles are now listed in the library.
    • The multi-item indicator (*) is now shown in the top-right corner instead of the bottom-right corner.
  • Side effects:
    • Some hair-related activities may be added after loading the game.
    • Some hair-related items may be added to the shop after the performance.
    • Depending on the level, multiple piercing offerings may be unlocked after the next performance.
    • There is a small chance that a level will change (by one level) on the game load due to a minor experience distribution update.

In the next release, I also don't plan to add many changes; I want to make some  UI updates in the club screen (to make room for the new endings), maybe add one or two new endings, and try to make UI improvements in other screens.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

1.4.1 and 1.4.2 - several bug fixes and minor improvements

 ​The game wa updated to 1.4.2, fixing several bugs and adding minor improvements.


  • 1.4.2
    • Bug fixes:
      • Fixed a bug when new actions were enabled immediately during the performance before the corresponding dialogue occurred.
  • 1.4.1
    • Bug fixes:
      • Fixed a bug when putting on a custom glasses item did not remove the current glasses of another type.
      • Fixed a bug when taking off an item was mistakenly considered as using an item of a certain type.
      • Removed extra purchase logging that unnecessarily increased space needed for game saves.
    • Other:
      • Added the error page to show useful information instead of a blank screen for cases when an error happens.
      • Improved requirements for a lipstick-related dialogue trigger.
      • Improved purchase hints for stockings.

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Wandering Ryo 1.4.0 is now available

Wandering Ryo was updated to 1.4.0.

The main changes are:

  • Tasks 

  • Shoes

  • A few new clothes (pants, a t-shirt, glasses, socks)
  • Free reward selection after each room completion

  • A library with information about most of game elements and how to get them

I'll take a break after this release.

The full 1.4.0 changelog:

  • New features and content:
    • The Library was added.
      • It lists all items, activities, actions, and most of the body features that can be encountered in the game.
      • It was designed to help find out how to acquire certain body features.
      • It is accessible from the main game menu.
    • Tasks were added.
      • Tasks are accessible through the 'Tasks' tab in the Home.
      • Tasks need to be completed to smoothly progress through the game.
      • For existing game progress, some tasks may be auto-completed.
      • For now, there will be one task type - considering a certain important decision, which involves following the train of thought and filling in the blanks.
    • Shoes were added to the game: slippers, sandals, sneakers, school shoes, flats and pumps.
    • New items were added: pants, a T-shirt, glasses, and short socks.
    • Room completion rewards were added. When the room is completed, it will be possible to pick a free item with custom colors as a reward, from a set of predefined items (which depends on the room that was completed)
    • Cheats were added. See FAQ for more information.
  • Bug fixes:
    • Missing items were added to the Stats page.
    • Fixed heart colors in some of the affair requirements.
    • Fixed text in the item return confirmation window.
    • Various visual bugs in clothes were fixed.
  • Other:
    • Items' names letter case was changed to match the rest of the game elements.
    • The settings icon was changed.
    • The white color was made a bit dimmer in some clothes.
    • Vast T-shirts will now partially satisfy the desire to see male clothes.
    • The completed rooms now cannot be un-completed, even when the room completion progress decreases.
    • Prices were updated (mostly decreased) along with the credit gain rate to improve the playing experience.
    • Various shop item availability levels were updated (mainly reduced).
  • Side effects:
    • Several new initial items will be added for the existing game states.
    • Slippers will be put on for the existing game states.
    • New items will be added to the shops for the existing game states.
    • Room completion status will be set for the existing game states.
    • Completed rooms will have room rewards available for pick-up.
    • New items may be added to shops for the existing game states.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

The Library was added to the preview version

The Library with all game items, activities, actions, and most of the body features was added to the preview version.

It is mainly designed to help find out how to acquire certain body features.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Wandering Ryo 1.3.0 is now available

Wandering Ryo was updated to 1.3.0.

The main changes are:

  • The new profile view:

  • Wigs are now sold in sets:

  • 6 new hair styles

  • Dialog window redesign (the message medium is now displayed), and a few new dialog icons

The full 1.3.0 changelog:

  • New features and content:
    • Six new hairstyles were added.
    • The dialog window was redesigned a little and now displays the way each phrase is conveyed.
    • A popup with a profile page was added, which includes general info about Ryoichi and also allows updating the photo and the nickname.
  • Bug fixes:
    • Scars visibility is now properly calculated on game load.
    • Post-date dialogue now happens within the same day.
  • Other:
    • Wigs are now sold in sets of three.
    • A few new dialogs with respective diary entries were added.
    • A few dialogs were modified a bit.
    • A few new dialog icons were added to be used with the new information discovery messages.
    • The settings help page was updated.
    • Minor art updates and fixes were done.
    • The mask is now taken off automatically after the performance to improve the dialog experience.
  • Side effects:
    • A set of wigs may already contain a wig that was bought previously; this does not affect the set price.
    • Ryoichi's reaction on his profile page may be inaccurate for ,the 20+ level game states.
    • The number of likes will be approximated for existing game states. 

Sunday, September 8, 2024

1.2.2 - various fixes and ability to complete the game faster

The new 1.2.2 version was published.

The main change is a new option that allows faster game completion. This was added mainly to address comments about slow / repetitive game progression, and also may be useful for those who want to restart the game and complete it again.

The full changelog:

  • Bug fixes:
    • 'Bottom clothes' desire reward was increased from 1 to 10 points.
    • When reaching the maximum level, the performance report could show negative extra reputation value. This was changed to show 0 instead.
  • Other:
    • A new Quality of Life option was added that allows faster completion, by reducing the number of rounds per performance, while keeping the reputation received at about the same level.
    • A few dialogues were updated to remind that the Quality of Life options can be used to make the game easier and/or faster.
    • A few early-level dialogs will now be triggered one level earlier.
    • Minor UI updates.