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"Wandering Ryo" overview

The "Wandering Ryo" is a feminization kind of a game about a guy who starts to perform and gets an opportunity to explore his pote...

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Ladder and gameplay updates, notifications

Ladder design and functionality were changed:

  • faction colors were changed a bit
  • rooms where Ryo is expected to perform in mask are marked with a corresponding icon
  • room progress indicator was merged with the room icon
  • low levels rooms are marked with stripes - reputation and currency gain is reduced in such rooms so that it was hard to 'farm' there

A simple room tooltip was added.

When disliked, Ryo will now get no score for his performance.

Notifications have been added for the following events:

  • Day change
  • Level increase
  • Reputation and currency increase
  • Body changes
  • Items purchase

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