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"Wandering Ryo" overview

The "Wandering Ryo" is a feminization kind of a game about a guy who starts to perform and gets an opportunity to explore his pote...

Saturday, June 3, 2023

All dialogues are now complete!

All of 156 dialogs are now complete. I started taking some shortcuts when I reached the second half, to speed up the work, which I think should be fine given that texts can be updated / expanded later without affecting the game flow.

Next, I plan to:

  • update certain in-game icons
  • try to adjust styles to look more or less fine on different screen sizes
  • do another round of playtesting, to see how the game looks in general and how much time does it take

I don't think there will be any "must-have" items left to do after that, so I guess I'll then be thinking of how to share the game.

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